Wanting to use Forced Prospective in Golden. The area is 2' deep. Upfront need 2-3 tracks, station, water tower, Freight Depot, and Barkeeps Tavern (named for my mentor). That is about 8 inches depth. After that is a road and creek where the separation needed for the forced prospective begins. Behind Creek is roughly 12-14" where Golden sits. Thinking of using n-scale buildings there along with a N-Scale trolley.
Here is this portion of the plan.
Trolley will run parallel to back drop, may angle road slightly front to back.
Coors will be full size with trolley going behind. Plan is to put Trolley on a auto reverse. There is a unit that allows multiple stops and then auto reverse. So stops at several spots to pick-up passengers. Will stop behind Coors hidden to enforce illusion it continues to Denver.
One "bright" idea is to use the same color trolley in Denver to give the illusion trolley runs entire way.
New Denver plan after moving staging. Note Trolley track parallel to backdrop. Will run right in front of flats of merchants and a Synagogue flat.
I would appreciate any links or advice on how to make the forced prospective realistic.
Thanks Cameron
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