Part 9
Ok so hoping to begin wrapping this up. Being open and transparent showing things that worked, and did not. I hope that is ok. If you can be informed by my mistakes it seems like a good approach. If anyone wants the smooth no mistakes version, getting the booklet when it comes out will be the best approach.
So here we go:
First this is the mostly finished trestle on the south creek (still needs some details like weathering and NBW's)
Working up stream on the south creek (towards truss bridge and Idaho Springs), the next 3 shots are the creek prepped, dams built, and first pours of resin.
Here is the Truss Bridge about 1/3 complete.
Next 3 shots are of the same sections above with the matte medium added. Important - make sure to streak matte medium with the water flow you want. Also allow thicker streaks ans well as thin, if you put on like your painting to cover evenly it will not produce the variations you want showing flow. Blotting does not work, will show that further below.
With Matte added, it is time to add highlights. A word of caution, as seen before over doing this can cause issues, so go slowly, just a little at a time. You can always add later if you want more flow. I had some feedback on NarrowGaugeChat that it was too much flow. Since I am modeling April-May it is supposed to be high water with a lot of flow, if you are modeling another time with slower flow you will want less highlights. Note: the highlights are the bright white areas, not the duller white matte streaks from before.
Next a quick look at some more prep and first resin pour.
And lastly a avoid this mistake couple of photo's.
First why blotting does not work for rapidly moving water. Note below blotting is too dense obscuring detail and gives no sense of direction flow. Compare to above matte pictures.
Here is another example. In making the dam higher, it created an unnatural lip. Solution in second picture shows addion of 3 rocks and 2 fallen trees swept down stream hiding lip and allowing a more natural look.
Hope to finish up the SBS in the next few days. These are designed to help get you started with the basic steps. Add or delete as you deem appropriate. Rule #1 applies, it's your railroad, do what works for you and enjoy!
Thanks Cameron
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